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The adrenaline rush and the electrified human being

MODERNITY: The selfish pursuit of new extremes and the experience of the present has become a worrying symptom of a modern world in serious strays. An anxiety for the break and the space?

Palestine, Portugal, pluralism

MANAGER: When is more independent identity important, and not?
Marian Anderson's Song At The Lincoln Monument In 1939. Scurlock Studio Records, Archives Center, National Museum Of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Kay Petersonarchives Centernmah. Rights & Reproductions.

"See me as I am"

PHOTO: How are blacks presented? A portrait photograph is far from neutral, neither guilty nor innocent – but with varying degrees of sharpness, vulnerability and complexity.

Young adults from the most conflict-ridden areas in the world

REFUGEES: These are heartbreaking and shocking stories – despite the fact that they appear toned down and without excessive dramatization.

When nature abuse becomes normal

ECOLOGY: Naturtro opens with a journey through a Norway that has been taken over by wind farms and salmon farms. Has the weathering of nature become a normalized violence – in line with the logic of colonialism?

Corner posts, clues or bearing points

PHOTO ART: Can art function as a correction to discrimination, self-denial and self-contempt? And can an "instruction manual" be a beautiful event in Norwegian non-fiction?

To care about future generations

PHILOSOPHY: Having your head full of thoughts is not the same as thinking. To think means to concentrate the power of thought in special directions – as the long-term consequences of one's own actions…

Our own basis of life

PHOTO ART: Is art that takes a value position marginalized? The artist duo Book and Hedén's exhibition Real Adventures has a no-bullshit filter that is a rarity in the Norwegian art world.

Now the robots may no longer be called Frankenstein or R2D2, but Siri, Alexa, AlphaGo or ...

GROWTH: Through "creative destruction" and technological disruption, capitalism created the conditions for a new cycle of economic growth. But now the trend seems to continue towards zero. Is it a vicious circle of global competition, falling prices, overcapacity, technological inertia (rather than innovation) and falling incentives to invest – which is the cause of capitalism's protracted crisis?

To challenge a Eurocentric perspective

IDEA HISTORY: African and African-European personalities were central in building what we today call Europe – from the dawn of time to the present day. Africans founded cities in Spain and Italy before ruling the Roman Empire. And Ethiopia also helped Europe advance in the 1400th century.

Aesthetic studies of state violence

POWER: The investigative rather than critical practice, characterizes a new generation of journalists, artists and NGOs. They process large datasets in order to point out abuses. Like the poison gas attack in Syria, or American secret prisons.

The urge to be seen and recognized

FICTION: The controversy in the media mogul family over the corporate throne escalates further in the HBO series Succession, which in an impressive and captivating way is able to take the pulse of the present and big capitalist business at its most brutal.
Doaa Eladl (Egitto) -Climate Change2. See Libex.Eu

Glasglow – the spark in the Paris Agreement

CLIMATE: In the perspective of poor coal-intensive countries: Why should not the rich stop selling oil and gas – and let the poor continue to burn coal? Will the transmission of democracy now be to blame for the doom of the earth?

The military-industrial complex

MODERN TIMES CONVERSATIONS: From someone who should know the intricacies of foreign policy and geopolitics: Thorbjørn Jagland on military rearmament and enemy images – when it comes to the USA, Russia, China, Turkey and Libya.

Autonomy and mutual help

ATOMIC POWER: Is learning completely new ways to love people, countries and culture – only possible if we break down the state apparatus, as Sabu Kohso claims?

To make the order in order

ARCHITECTURE: How can we design big cities where we can be more alone together?

Anyone can make news

AVERAGE: Do the media maintain social and societal conditions, or are they a tool for change?

A truly solidary and subversive feminism – who do you work for?

WORK: "Working under capitalism is devastating to people, you die a little inside every time you go to work for someone else."

The invaders among us – stink bugs, king crabs, Nile perch and coronavirus

TRAVEL-ESSAY: In our time of catastrophic extinction of species, you may risk overlooking the catastrophic spread of some species. As we experienced on our journey with the four-wheeled home with the beetle Halyomorpha halys – or what about the king crab in Norway?

How China and Japan were integrated into today's completely unsustainable global capitalism

EAST ASIA: Mark W. Driscoll tells, among other things, concrete stories about drunken, arrogant, hyper-violent and rape-cultivating diplomats, missionaries and businessmen.

The Soviet architecture

DIPLOMA: The Soviet Union and the Eastern European satellite states gained influence in the world through a so-called gift diplomacy that spawned strings of architectural beauties. By Hans Henrik Fafner

Racism is written into the codes, protocols, and algorithms of the Internet

AUTOMATION: The Internet is far from just a direct information highway towards freedom

Obsolete human rights

FREEDOM: Ferdinand von Schirach will inspire a modernization of the democratic system.

How the great popular uprising could go so horribly wrong

SYRIA:A book about how the West stole democracy from the Arabs. It became completely grotesque when the great powers in the best colonial style began to assess the suitability of the individual peoples for independence: Syria itself ended up in category A – as suitable for independence, but Palestine ended up in category B.

Combination of gossip and substance

Philosophy: The fascinating philosophical work Troldmændenes Tid manages to project a narrative about four thinkers and the lives that grievously shaped their thoughts.