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book review – literature

MODERN TIMES is as a commentary at the same time a book review with around 40 books mentioned in each issue (March, June, September, December). We discuss (preferably in an essayistic way) nonfiction Interior political, ecological and philosophical literature, but also literature in our time "big tech".
The newspaper with its rich full format also includes the theme supplement ORIENTERING and / or the documentary film magazine MODERN TIMES REVIEW.
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The age of the platforms

MEDIA: Author Geert Lovink analyzes contemporary use of social media and looks at a possible end to "platform nihilism".

To talk about death

DEATH: The way we die means a lot to life's last rise. This anthology gives a good impression of how we talk about death in today's society.

The Assad family's long-standing mask game

Syria: The Assad family has ruled Syria since 1970. Sam Dagher's new book shows how the family has clung to power at all costs, exposing their cynical strategies and brutal acts of violence.

About being attentive and taking the lot of things

TRÆER: Through a conversation with trees, the author of the book becomes clearer about his relationship to loneliness, vulnerability and the grief of the disappearance of things.

Stressed hen with no head

TOMHED: A pseudo-confrontation with the parents' culture turned into meaningless stress. In eleven-September bodies, the young people hide behind enterprising smiles.

Conflicting views on life and work

route selection: Two asphalt pavers – one naive and dreary, the other rational and conscientious – are commissioned by a global and financially strong client.

Can we recover the Amazon's lung?

ecosophy: Current Brazil looks like Guattari's worst nightmare. His mental revolution also suggests that nature itself comes first.

From individual participation to authoritarian politics

POLICY: Does technology development destabilize modern democracies? China can be seen as a positive counterpart to the West.

Politically correct porn book on French oppression

KOLONISEX: Middle-class porn or a welcome new look at sexual relations during the colonial era? That is the question of critics of the French magnificent Sexe, race et colonies.

Surrogacy is a job

FEED MACHINES? In Full Surrogacy Now, Sophie Lewis wants to change the surrogacy industry. She wants to strengthen the rights of the parties and avoid abuse.

A dangerous transhumanism

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Nick Dyer-Whitford is a ring fox in critical studies of technology and artificial intelligence. He also criticizes luxury communism and the so-called accelerationists.

Kierkegaard as a thinker of the time

literary critic: A selection of Søren Kierkegaard's magazine articles is no easy introduction to his thinking. In contrast, they act as a marker of the thinker as the voice of his time.

From naïve national socialism to a renewed ecological philosophy?

CONCLUSION: As existential anxiety today rises among people, Heidegger's philosophy may have some utility. Is it therefore possible to read parts of him today without just focusing on his Nazi sympathies?

Spotify sells your user data

DATA SALES: Spotify does more than stream music. They also conduct a comprehensive profiling of their users and market this information commercially.

Global cooling alarmism

COLD TIMES: Forget global warming. CO2 does not affect the temperature of the Earth. Around 2030, on the contrary, with reduced solar activity, it may get colder.

Can the empire strike back after Brexit?

NOSTALGIC IMPERIALISM: Ny Tid is looking at two books with Boris Johnson's future policy in mind. Are selective and nostalgic dives into the history of the British Empire a good recipe for shaping politics or Britain's future post-Brexit?