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Our ill-fated fate (ANTI-ODIPUS AND ECOLOGY)

PHILOSOPHY: Can a way of thinking where becoming, growth and change are fundamental, open up new and more ecologically fruitful understandings of and attitudes towards the world? For Deleuze and Guattari, desire does not begin with lack and is not desire for what we do not have. Through a focus on desire as connection and connection – an understanding of identity and subjectivity as fundamentally linked to the intermediate that the connection constitutes. What they bring out by pointing this out is how Oedipal desire and capitalism are linked to each other, and to the constitution of a particular form of personal identity or subjectivity. But in this essay by Kristin Sampson, Anti-Oedipus is also linked to the pre-Socratic Hesiod, to something completely pre-Oedipal. MODERN TIMES gives the reader here a philosophical deep dive for thought.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic

ECOLOGY: On the one hand, plastic replaces more polluting building materials. On the other hand, we have enormous amounts of plastic waste. We have produced 7 billion tonnes of plastic as of today.

To reclaim democracy

DEMOCRACY: MODERN TIMES has chosen two angles on the same book. What about community-led initiatives as a contribution to the European Green Deal?

A political manifesto

DIRECT DEMOCRACY: We need a new social system with commons and decline. And it is possible to achieve it. We have enough experience and knowledge from previous times. It's just a matter of getting started, writes Yavor Tarinski in a recent debate book.

The organic class

Environmental campaign: The productivity of nature itself must be taken into account – other species, ecosystems, soil, the atmosphere and the sea. This was Bruno Latour's last book.

The exercise of violence in ourselves

Ecology: What does this overwhelming information maze of a book really say about ecofascism? Have we ended up in a downward argument that only leads us deeper into conflict-creating dichotomies – us/them, left/right and nice/naughty?

The greater forest biotope of interdependent species

Nature: What about the world's last five megaforests and the people who live in them? The intact forest landscapes are of inestimable importance for the climate.

Thinking about the planet

ECOLOGY: With the planet as an anchor point, various themes are highlighted here – growth and non-growth, the anthropocene and our understanding of nature, tipping points, disasters and possible futures, geoengineering, fabulous animals and biopolitics.

To cultivate soil health

ECOLOGY: Marit Bendz has met gardeners, agronomists, farmers and enthusiasts who in various ways run an agriculture contrary to government recommendations.

Ethics in the time of the climate crisis

ECOLOGY: Despite this book's general critique of anthropocentrism, one could go even further in practicing an ecocentric ethic.

Self-sufficient, financially sustainable community with low cost of living

ECO VILLAGE: Communal house, own organic farming, a professionally run livestock farm, various network models in permaculture and economics.

Organic villages

ECO COMMUNITY: Updated by the "war in Europe" (Ukraine), European countries today are forced to accelerate the development of renewable energy – as with solar heating and wind turbines.

Challenging climate sobriety

ECOLOGY: We need such voices as Holly Jean Buck, who criticizes wishful thinking – precisely to help bring forward a hopeful, serious and long-lasting climate fight, beyond all easy optimism.

Ecology is playfully serious

ECOLOGY: Penguins' newly launched green series presents old and new books that change the way we think and talk about the living earth. You are in the age of mass extinction, but the philosopher Martin Heidegger brings us here on the trail of what we need.

The battle is between carbo-fascism and eco-socialism

CARBON FASCISM: Climate change facilitates economic speculation and political positioning. Against corruption, we must prepare not only for a state of emergency, but for a climate war against declared enemies, writes Marc Alizart.

When nature abuse becomes normal

ECOLOGY: Naturtro opens with a journey through a Norway that has been taken over by wind farms and salmon farms. Has the weathering of nature become a normalized violence – in line with the logic of colonialism?