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International orientering in the present.

Get one in hell

"I'm not more important. I want to live in an equal society, ”writes Hanne Ramsdal, who has created performing arts about her husband's lack of rights as a father. 

- Surprisingly balanced

Was the press coverage of the Gaza war balanced and neutral? Or is it pointless to talk about balance and neutrality in the coverage of war?

Volunteers will take over patrolling

G4S is the world's largest security company, it is backed by the Oil Fund and deeply involved in the Iraq war. At the same time, G4S controls Gardermoen and Norwegian ports, homes and streets. The night names now offer to replace controversial security companies in the cityscape.

Ice bubbles and gold dust in the Arctic

We live in a time where we cannot regard a single piece of nature as independent of human activity. 

On the trail of the UN

Norway is the UN's best friend. But what to do with good friends if they don't show up when needed.

Book crisis in Iran

The Iranians are reading less than ever. Why?

A ruined country

The new peace agreement will be implemented within 30 months. But is there hope for a ravaged South Sudan?

Civil power in dark times

Many become pessimists of Trump and the rise of right-wing populism, but abuse of power and inequality can bring new life to civil society. 

A call for politicization in the Balkans

A new anthology does not ask, but to what extent the religious teaching in the Balkans is politicized. The editors, however, fail to argue what politicization means at all.

1968 – 2018 – the dream lives on

Looking back at 1968 during this year's International Documentary Festival in Thessaloniki.

Portal to another time

Once, the dilapidated hotel on Lake Sevan in Armenia was a fashionable place for Soviet Union writers. On the way into the driveway it has become 1962.

"Obviously 9 / 11 was a blast," Ketcham says

September 11st: What was it that destroyed the World Trade Center 11. September 2001? Much indicates that it was a controlled demolition, experts say.

The ball has landed

New Time was in the streets of Rio when Brazil finally got global attention for other than football, carnival and beautiful women. On Tuesday, President Dilma Rousseff took action by getting a fairer distribution of oil revenues in parliament. But on the street in Rio, Marina (16) is not happy: – This is theft!

Reflections on the edge of the abyss

The current European situation is at its heart a mystery. What is Germany's intention really? What are the Germans' expectations for the future of the Union? Do they realize ...

Will attack Norwegians again

An 18-year-old trained in Pakistan killed Trond Kolset (30) in Afghanistan, the Taliban informs Ny Tid. The Taliban warns of several attacks on Norwegians.

Opens for third way

Election defeat, leadership resignation and camel quitting means that parts of the SV again discuss ideology. Evensmo's idea of ​​"a third way" is also discussed. But there is disagreement about where it is heading.

More money for fighter jets and overseas missions

This year's defense budget represents an increase in spending of 9,8 percent compared to 2015. But does the increase in budget contribute to strengthening defense capacity when almost everything goes to the purchase of new fighter aircraft?

- Use Women's Day!

* Saturday, International Women's Day will be marked more clearly than in a long time: New government has created a debate storm about reservation rights and abortion rights. Women's participation in the public sector is being threatened.

* One of those who has been harassed is Florence Aryanik (20). Killing threats meant she had to withdraw her appeal on Krystallnatta 9. November. But 8. March she stands upright with a new appeal to Norway, at Youngstorget.

Tough priorities need to be made

Choosing is at the same time opting out. But if we do not choose at all – where do we end up?

At the Europe summit

Norwegians top European anti-Semitism survey: Record high 40 percent gives Jews responsibility for Israel's actions, three times as many as France. Every fifth Norwegian blames the Jews for Jesus' death. – Worrying, says a Swedish researcher.

The struggle for survival

British filmmaker Kim Longinotto makes documentary films about rebellious outsiders, where women fighting for their own survival are the celebrated protagonist.

Abusers and victims

Film Festival HRHW: As 15 year old, Omar Khadr is captured by Americans after a gunfight in Afghanistan. It is the beginning of a long period of torture. Guantanamo's Child throws a critical spotlight on Omar's situation.

Will turn upside down on the language debate

Trine Skei Grande (V) will settle the school's attitude towards multilingual children. She thinks the rest of Norway can learn from Finnmark.

A political paradox

In Denmark, cannabis users will be kept in the old role of addicts and criminals. 

cannabis Culture

11. September is the parliamentary election. Can we expect a more liberal drug policy on the part of the parties? In Amsterdam, we looked at Norwegian politicians' attitudes in light of the cannabis capital's cannabis culture.