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Criticizes SV's asylum seeker proposal

SV's Reza Rezaee, like Erling Folkvord (rv), criticizes the SV proposal to lock in asylum seekers for up to 72 hours.

tolerance choice

"Vote for tolerance," "Vote for tolerance", it says on the poster above. One might think that this was an SV slogan, intended for English-speaking voters ...

Sparkling Mao title

Hans Petter Sjølie's story about AKP's growth and fall is a bit tabloid, but do they deserve anything but a feature article of 229 pages plus 431 footnotes?

Holocaust director supports Bosnia investigation

Odd-Bjørn Fure at the Holocaust Center supports the demand for an investigation into Norway's role in Bosnia. Dutch investigations confirm that Norwegian officer stayed on holiday in Norway when Srebrenica fell, in contrast to allegations of pressure in VG.

Better Telenor than Bangladesh?

Full free trade with all services – is it a goal for a red-green government? The SV and the Center Party say no, the Labor Party well.

Vetlesen's ethics

Last week, Professor Arne Johan Vetlesen had the article "Bosnia murder as a self-fulfilling prophecy" in print in Ny Tid. Here he receives an answer from former Storting representative and ambassador Gunnar Garbo.

Norway will "own" halfway to the North Pole

Many want more: Now Norway will be even bigger. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry refuses to share the Svalbard shelf with other countries. Russia is among those protesting.

Closed AKP files

The AKP's have long since been given the folder, but no outsiders have yet had access to AKP's own archives. Nor did Hans Petter Sjøli.

Will give room to each one

Norway should both become more solidarity and make room for the individual's development, emphasizes party secretary in SV, Bård Vegar Solhjell.

Walking in the "modern"

Oslo Jazz Festival is still the one that best takes care of all jazz styles, but this year the festival made a leap into the world of rap and funk ...

Egypt: Homse marriage on the Nile

In a fashionable hotel overlooking the Nile, two gay Kuwaitis were forged in the chains of the anthem. As Kuwait bans gay marriage, the men went to ...

Say YES to the EU

The animals and the environment are better off with the EU than with today's Norwegian no-side, concludes Steinar Lem in Framtiden in our hands. In his latest book, he breaks with the No side. In Ny Tid you get to know why Norway's most famous environmental face has doubted its way to an EU yes.

In duel with Kjetil Rolness

This week the essay collection was published The little life by Steinar Lem. Ny Tid brings here an excerpt from the chapter "The smooth and shiny thing", where the author meets Kjetil Rolness and Erling Fossen in Frognerparken.

Enriched Iran

The world will soon have a new nuclear power.

The shadows after AKP

The legacy of AKP (ml) still casts long shadows over the political left in Norway, but author Hans Petter Sjøli believes today's socialists still have much to learn from the party's history.

New Israel policy! Now!

Socialist Youth visited occupied Palestine this summer. The US here demands a red-green government to repeal Norwegian Middle East policy and take an active support role for the Palestinians.

Blood and globalization

The Spartacus book harvest is characterized by war, blood and internationalization. Karl Jakob Skarstein has written a book about the war between Norwegian settlers and Sioux Indians.

India wants Norwegian rock

Last weekend, the multicultural Musikk-Norge showed muscles at the Mela festival, but it was unattractive to Indian festival manager Amit Saigal. He prefers rock bands like Satyricon and Madrugada.

- Folkvord shoots far above goal

RV's top candidate should read our proposal more thoroughly, says SVs Heikki Holmås.

The unpleasant choice

"Politics is not the art of the possible. The task of politics is to choose between the impossible and the unpleasant." These words to the Canadian-born social economist John ...

Now they are cutting land

The Shi'ites and the Kurds each want a bit of Iraq. Sunnis react with rage.

No to Svalbard

The master does not allow sample drilling in the national park.

- Conservative policy is based on SV proposals

It is SV himself who supports the contentious proposal that the police can imprison asylum seekers for up to 72 hours. FRP supports the little-known SV proposal, while RV's Erling Folkvord believes the party has justified this new discrimination.

Israel on march eastward

In the shadow of Gaza, the Israelis have secured a steel grip on Jerusalem.

Ready for battle

– Show people that you trust them, and your commitment will flourish, says Siv Jensen, deputy leader of the Progress Party. She wants to get us out of social democracy book thinking.